Welcome to the blog. Each post relates to an episode and a hack. Hope we have inspired you to become a #zerowastelifehacker
Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in:
Experts Share 21 Ways to Incorporate Eco-Conscious Swaps for a Greener Home
Practicing greener habits at home isn’t just better for the environment; it can help your energy savings in the long run as well. Not only will you be generating less waste, but you’ll also be doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint. So whether you’re a beginner looking to make more eco-conscious choices or want more ideas to up your sustainability game, we’ve got you covered. Redfin reached out to us and other environmental experts from Salt Lake City, UT to Toronto, ON for our number one tip to make smarter, eco-conscious choices at home - here’s what we had to say.
Experts Share 21 Ways to Incorporate Eco-Conscious Swaps for a Greener Home