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Here's a little backstory about how Michelle Sinclair and Sofia Ratcovich came up with the genius idea to create a podcast.
Michelle and I have been good friends for almost 15 years. My kids grandaddy, Danny Seraphine and Michelle's father Terry Kath started the band Chicago when they were just teenagers. Her parents were really close to my kids grandparents and she and my (ex) husband basically grew up together. Michelle and I both came of age in LA and are now raising teenage boys and their siblings in this amazing and unique city where we continue to live, work and play. I clearly remember the first time I met Michelle and the way she made me feel so welcome to my new extended family and we have been great pals ever since.
Back in the early 2000's I was still attending college and like Michelle, was a fresh young bride and a new mother, basically just trying to figure out how to run a household, properly care for myself and provide everything this brand new life form could possibly need. I'll refer to pregnancy and raising children again here only because it is intense. All of a sudden basic things like eating certain cheeses and sushi, wearing nail polish or dyeing your hair were to be avoided simply because society has become generally aware of how all these factors and toxins could possibly affect the development and overall health of the human growing inside of you. Just a generation before us, doctors would literally recommend smoking to assist with digestion and pregnant women still enjoyed cocktails regularly while puffing on a cigarette, seat belts didn't exist and all paint contained lead. Now we have something called the internet aka the World Wide Web and with an overabundance and variety of resources and information available, it is so easy to freak out from all the things you come across. In high school I already was considered a total environmentalist but it wasn't until I watched films like the 11th Hour and an Inconvenient Truth that I really felt overwhelmed with the responsibility to educate myself and search for facts in order to make the best possible decisions for this new, delicate little human I had brought into the world.
We have so much information available at our fingertips now and can no longer turn a blind eye to the many harsh realities on this planet.
Times have changed.
The idea for the Zero Waste Lifekhacks Podcast is this: In the same way that playing a song or switching to a different tune can create a whole different vibe in a room full of people, this podcast is all about exploring how one little action or lifestyle change can have a big impact not just on our own health but on the planet in general. There is so much information out there and we just want to take everything we have experienced, learned and continue to discover and share it all with you so you don't need to spend a decade of your life just doing research.
With this first episode we ask you to start to look at each item that you are purchasing not just as a single item but as a piece of a whole system. Every time you take out your wallet really ask yourself what that purchase is promoting or supporting. It may be cute and cool and all but what is it made out of and where is it going to end up when it is no longer of use to you? Who made it? Under what conditions?
Oh we will go deep into all of it. But don't worry we'll take it slow, make it fun and play some good music while we do it.
“The average American generates about 4 lbs of trash per day. That is a lot of waste!”
Fun Fact:
In elementary school, I was on a Drill Team and we would create dance routines and use a dual set cassette player to make our mix tapes, practice weekly and then compete all over the Greater Los Angeles Area. In my teens I was on the Drill Team and also joined my high school Cheer Squad because I had alot of energy, loved dancing and being a flyer was ALOT of fun (plus I secretly wanted to be a Fly Girl when I grew up). Ha!
As for Michelle, she was born wearing a set of Swarovski encrusted headphones while griping a mini vinyl record and has been playing music ever since. By the time DJ Lady Sinclair had reached college she was hosting a radio show and playing all the popular clubs in LA alongside some of the best local DJ's.
She's basically THE COOLEST girl I know.
Now we get to work on a project together, talk trash and have fun in the process.
Check it out:
Read: The Lorax
About 10 years ago I came across this amazing short film The Story of Stuff. It's like 20 minutes long but I can promise you that it will have you thinking twice about the things you buy and where they end up when we throw them "away"
Watch: The 11th Hour - An Inconvenient Truth